First Visit to Trinity
Office entrance, west side of building (Disabled Parking and Ramp available)
The Trinity Church office is open Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 to 11:30 AM and closed on Friday. If you would like to make an appointment with our pastor outside of those hours, we encourage you to contact the church office. Upon entering the church parking lot from South Shangri-La Drive, continue to the far side of the building (near the parking lot exit) where you will see the sign "Church & Little Sonbeams Preschool Office," and enter there.
care pantry, east side of building
The Trinity Care Pantry is open on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 PM and is accessible from the church entrance closest to the main parking lot entrance off of South Shangri-La Drive. Look for the sign that says "Care Pantry" and enter there.
fellowship hall entrance, east side of building (disabled parking and ramp available)
Our Fellowship Hall Entrance also accesses the main worship area and is open on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM. It is visible as an overhang with drive-up lane from South Shangri-La Drive. This is the best location for disabled worshipers to enter on Sunday morning, as disabled parking and a ramp to the curb are available.
All three of the above entrances are equipped for full accessibility and are located near disabled guest parking.
Worship Entrance, from the south or rear side of the building
On the South, Rear Entrance to the building you will find the most convenient entrance to the main worship area of the church for coming and going to worship services on Sunday mornings. We invite all worshipers not using barrier free access points arriving before and during the 10 AM services to enter through these doors.
What to Expect on Sunday Morning
Welcome to Trinity!
You will find that the atmosphere at Trinity is informal and inviting. Upon entering from the east entrance (see above), you will be inside the fellowship hall. Introduction to our church, including notices of upcoming activities, available ministries (e.g., Stephen Ministry, reconciliation coaching, etc.) can be found at the Welcome Center counter, pictured here. Should you continue to walk in a straight line from this entrance you would find double doors opening onto a hallway with large glass windows. The restrooms are located down this hall and to the left.
From the south or back entrance, simply go through the glass-encased vestibule and enter the carpeted space just outside the worship space. You will see the entrance to the worship space (we call it the “sanctuary”) on your left. You are welcome to either stop and introduce yourself to our volunteer staff there...or go on in. As you enter, be sure you receive a worship guide from one of our volunteers. All you need to know to be able to follow what is going on will be listed inside this guide or "bulletin."
Please feel free to find a seat anywhere you choose. There are two wheelchair accessible pews: one on the far right side near the front and another in the middle right section, near the back. Both are near exits and allow worshipers to come and go freely as needed during the worship service. If you feel led to do so, we encourage you to fill out a white worship card where you are seated so that we can get to know you better. We also invite all worshipers to submit prayer requests on blue cards during the Children’s Message. These will be offered during the Prayer of the Church, following the sermon. You may also receive personal and confidential prayers on your behalf with one of our Stephen Ministers following the worship service. One of them will be standing by the north exit door (to the right as you face the altar) following each worship service.
Children of all ages are welcome to join us for worship and Sunday School throughout the morning. Age appropriate activity bags are available to keep small children occupied during the service.
During the Sunday morning services volunteer staff are available to assist you in the event of a medical emergency or other immediate need. An AED is available for your use just outside the main sanctuary entrance. And for our hearing-impaired worshipers we offer assisted listening devices, to be worn with or without the use of hearing aids. These devices will enhance what is already amplified through our sound system. To receive access to any of these devices or for any other questions that you might have, please see one of our users on duty.
Following the 10:00 service there is time for fellowship in and around the kitchen, which is also to your left as you enter the fellowship hall from the parking lot (to your right from the south entrance). Should you feel so inclined, we invite you to stick around and join us for this important time. Information about other church activities and opportunities for Sunday School or Adult Christian Education beginning at 9:00 AM are available at the Welcome Center in the Fellowship Hall.
Please consider yourself "one of the family" for the time that God has brought you to be with us. We consider it a privilege to do whatever we can to serve you.
Sample Bulletin
All congregational responses are visible on our sanctuary screens during regular worship services. However, we love our hymn book and invite you to follow along using the red hardcover book in the pew labeled “Lutheran Service Book.” Page numbers where hymns and liturgical elements can be found in Lutheran Service Book are printed in the bulletin and indicated on each slide of the screens. You will also find English Standard Version copies of the Holy Bible at the pew. To distinguish Bibles from hymnals, look for the book with the word “Bible” stamped and visible on its pages, when closed. For an example of Sunday morning worship service, click here.